It is holiday season.  The stores have Christmas lights lit up enticing customers to buy their products.  There is a hustle for buying presents.  Holiday parties are abundant.  Everyone seems to eat and drink a little too much.  It is fun and it is exciting…for some.

Holiday season brings out joy to a majority, but also it can be difficult.  To those whom it brings joy, its easy to get consumed with obtaining “things”.  We are obsessed with making more money, and really aren’t looking at the big picture.  You see, everything we own is not really ours.  We are leasing it for a brief moment in time.  At some point we won’t have things anymore.  Some people realize this more than others.

These past couple of weeks I have done a lot of self -reflection.  I really have had to think about what is important to me in life.  This year has been exciting and tough at the same time.  I am sure everyone has had ups and downs this year.  During Thanksgiving I have had time to spend with family.  I disconnected from blogging and did more reading, observing and thinking.

I have learned a lot from reading, observing, and thinking.  The first thing is life is good.  God is good.  We are always wanting more and really aren’t ever content.  The more we “get” the less content we become.  While it is important to think “what’s next”, we often don’t think about the right now.

Family takes priority.  My wife believes in me.  She always wants to see me succeed and will go to the ends of the earth with me.  She is my rock, my best friend and the love of my life.  My kids are my world.  Their smiles and laughter are something I will always embrace.  I never want to neglect them and whenever I have a minute, I want to spend that minute with them.  They make me complete.  Even when it is crazy, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

My parents, my brother, my sisters-in law, my mother-in-law, my nephews, my niece, my cousins are all on this journey through life with me.  They may not see me every day, but they are important.  I won’t have them forever, so I need to be present every chance I can to embrace every memory.

Being content is something we should all work on.  Accumulation of crap is just that.  Being content with work is important.  I am truly blessed to work at such a great organization and learn from such incredible individuals.  Sometimes things get crazy, but the good outweighs the bad.  Your situation may be different, but if you think about it, it may not be.

At Christmas time the focus seems to becomes more and more about “things”, I think we are missing the entire point.  We also think about “what else” in our careers and “what’s next” when what is in front of you is the best thing that could possibly happen to you.

As we embark this holiday season, think about the lease you have in life.  We don’t own anything.  We are just tenants on God’s land. Knowing my family the way I do, I can only imagine the way HE feels about HIS.  Try to be content and stop and enjoy the silence when you can.

Have you made an effort to be quiet?  You should.  You may have the same reflection.



